/ /__ \
! LAB NOTES |(_\ /
! \-`-'
! For health, split MMX in two to find /
} your quantities. Chlorine will give }
| you your ingredients, but remember \
\ to keep it sweet. /
} {
\ For strength, stand in front of a /
} mirror while making a health potion. !
! {
\ Regeneration is more difficult to /
} accomplish. Gold must be combined in !
| equal part with a hard substance in a |
! multiple of Calcium, then the {
\ solution should be brought to the /
} boil. While simmering, add a tenth of |
} health potion ingredients. Once the {
\ flask is cool again you should have /
} your potion. !
| |
\ Fire is initially the same as a }
! regeneration potion, but only add /
| half of the initial ingredients. \
} While simmering, instead of a health |
\ tonic, sprinkle an equal amount of |
} powder as gold into the mixture. {____
} |__( \
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